Sept 2, 2015

Sept 2, 2015

You have so many nicknames. Liaminho, Boo, Boo Bear, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Head, Lilam (because Henry started calling you that.)

Well we are back from the States! We were there for 3 weeks, and you had a ball. But the flight was ROUGH. Just a couple days before your 2 bottom molars had come in, and I was thrilled because I figured we wouldn’t have to worry about more pesky teething for a couple months. Well, you pretty much cried the entire flight and refused to nurse. We were able to sneak in two 1hr naps by playing your videos on repeat. (Sometimes watching videos of yourself are the only thing that will calm you down. Haha!) It wasn’t until the next day that we had our, “duhhhh” moment- so sorry about that! But once I finally allowed you to roam the aisles, you were pretty happy. Stealing food right off people’s plates, banging on their computers, and flirting with the flight attendants.

Then we had a 12 hour layover in Orlando before another 5 hour flight to Utah. We got a hotel, but there were no cribs available so you slept on the bed. An hour after you finallyyy felt asleep, some moron started banking on our door like there was a fire. He found an available crib, but at that point you weren’t going back to bed. So we went to a darling little restaurant just a short walk away and stuffed ourselves with BBQ and mile high banana cream pie. I think that’s what got me through the flight to Utah. You were so overtired by this point, having only slept 3 hours in the past 24. But we finally arrived, and eventhough we had a rental car your grandparents Lance and Ruth were there waiting, just dying to see you!

We went back to the house and they had bought you a brand new crib, a blow up ball pit with 200 balls, 3 large cars to push you around in), and much more. You were in heaven, and really liked the dogs and cats too. Luckily you liked to admire them from a distance, and we didn’t have to worry about you getting to close and risking being nipped or scratched. By the end you got more comfortable, and Maggie almost nipped you. Ruth was furious with her!

It was soo nice to have babysitters at our beck and call. We left you with Lance and/or Ruth constantly, and you were so good! But unfortunately you got a stomach bug (later referred to as “The Liam Plague”.) The morning after we went boating with my siblings and mom, you smelled like throw up and were really fussy. We drove to Park City that day and you threw up a few times on the way. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong, and thought perhaps it was heat exhaustion from being out in the sun so long the day before. Anything you would eat or drink came right up.

Well the next day we were boating at Jordanelle with my dad and siblings. The last half hour of the trip I started to feel really nauseous, and figured it was sea sickness. The second we docked I jumped out and ran to the nearest bathroom where I puked my guts out. I knew it was more than sea sickness when it only got worse, with chills and a horrible achiness. Everyone joked “awww she’s pregnant!” Until a few hours later, Alex started puking. Out of my 27 family members that were in Deer Valley, 25 of them ended up getting it! Unfortunately they started getting it en route to the ranch, were the real disaster began. It started spreading everywhere! THey even had to delay Justin’s farewell festivities. Out of Alex’s family- Tony, Meg, Mam, Ruth, and the neighbors got it. The Liam Plague spread like wild fire! Luckily it only lasted 24 hours for most of us.

It took you several days before you were yourself again. More than anything I was worried how little you were drinking or eating. Your diapers were almost completely dry for 3 days! EVentually we had to give you liquids with a syringe and pinning you down. It was sad, but slowly you got over it. The day of Kait’s farewell was your first day feeling better. You stole cookies from everyone’s plates you got get your little hands on- and I didn’t really care because I was just happy you were eating! Turns out it was too much for your little tummy to handle, and it came up that night. But after that you were on the mend!

Lance and Ruth were especially sad to see you go, especially since Kait had just left for her mission. Lance joked that he was going to hide you in their neighbor’s new house. The only thing that made it okay was that we will be back in October for Vanessa’s wedding.

Alex left back for Brazil and we went to Texas for 5 days to hang out with HIlary and her family. You did awesome there!! You played so well with Hallie and Calvin. You and Calvin and going to be best buds, and I can’t wait! We threw a tea party themed birthday party for Hallie. Super fancy and was a success. Now I need a little girl to play dress up and have tea parties with! You aren’t so interested in that sort of thing;)

Luckily the flight to Orlando was less than 3 hours, but we were an hour delayed and because of a storm they diverted us to Tampa to refuel. I thought for sure we would miss our flight to Brazil, but I called David and he set us up. Luckily the Azul flight was 40 minutes delayed, so right after we got off the plane an Azul employee was waiting for us and checked us in right there at the gate and got right on, making it by the skin of our teeth! Our bags were sent on the next flight. I was so glad we didn’t have to experience a 24 hour layover!!

The flight to Brazil you were the energizer bunny. We roamed the aisles probably 6 hours of the time, and you slept 2 of that red eye. I felt like I was a zombie walking around half awake, but you weren’t crying when you were out of the seat- so I will take it! There were probably 15 babies there under the age of 3, and you were the only one I saw roaming. How does everyone do it?! I must be missing out on some amazing secret. There were all these grandma’s and mother’s nearby us that kept trying to help me. We gave your dramamine to help you sleep, they made you a bed, but it just didn’t work. It was cute of them to try and help- I’d rather have that than dirty looks I suppose.

So now we are back, and you are running laps around our apartment like “Is this IT??” You are totally bored with your toys and small space. Not that you are much of a toy kind of kid anyway. You crack me up.

I love that you say, “HI!” whenever I come to take you out of your crib, or a new person enters the room. It is the cutest thing in the world. You also say “MORE!” (more like ‘maaaaaa!!”) when you want more food. I am trying to teach you baby sign language, and it is pretty hilarious. You just look at me like I’ve lost my marbles. Next baby I am going to start this earlier.

You eat pretty well, as long as I don’t start you on something sweet. Otherwise you won’t touch anything salty. You are still a social eater, and eat best when others are eating around you. That’s probably why you ate so well in Texas, because Calvin eats more than any baby I have ever seen!

Well I better get some stuff done before you wake up. Love you boo!


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